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The Iconic Journey of Behaviour

This Monday, December 3rd, Dominique Lebel, Behaviour Interactive Business Solutions Vice-President, was at the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitain Montreal to present Behaviour’s inspiring journey.

The strategic forum was able to bring together several actors of the video game scene highlighting the evolution of a powerful creative industry that makes our city shine internationally, “220 million is the number of players who have played games designed by Behaviour for 25 years. And this number has increased exponentially in the last 2-3 years. Players everywhere on the planet”, said Mr.Lebel.

Founded by Rémi Racine more than 25 years ago, Behaviour Interactive has become the largest video game development company in Quebec and close to 500 employees work in their Mile-Ex office. “Talking about Behaviour is also talking about an industry coming from nowhere, a story of talent and leadership. We were perhaps one of the only game studios in Quebec in 1992, but there are more than 200 today! “Says the Business Solutions Vice-President.


This iconic journey would undoubtedly be different without the boldness of visionaries like Bernard Landry who pushed for the introduction of incentives to create games in Quebec. “At the global level, the sector was growing, but nothing to do with today. He saw something that few people could imagine. The development of video games is not a natural resource such as water, mines or the forest. It’s a richness that has been built with vision, concerted government and private action, talent and a lot of patience, “continued Mr. Lebel.

Small steps in leaps and bounds, the latter has been able to lead the video game industry forward: “You know, in all sectors of activity, in business, as in politics or in our lives personal, there is always a before and after, “he adds.


“After 2007, we no longer create games in the same way, we do not market them in the same way, we do not finance them in the same way and we do not make them anymore the same way. It’s called a Big Bang, “continued Lebel.

“The gaming industry has exploded.

It will be a market of more than 120 billion in 2019.

More important than the cinema.

More important than music.

There are no longer any differences in genders, races, or social classes among players, “he says.


“More and more, Quebec companies have created original products that are successful everywhere on the planet. We must applaud the democratization of technology that makes it possible today for small teams to create great things. Coupling with a sense of risk and Quebec talent, we are experiencing more and more success, “explains Mr. Lebel.

“Let’s remember: Behaviour has learned and still learns from its collaborations with major global entertainment players like the Warner’s of this world, as well as Disney and HBO. Our admirers, like Ellen Degeneres, with whom we created a game,” insisted Mr. Lebel.

“By working with the greatest on the planet, Behaviour has developed expertise that did not exist in Quebec. On Dead by Daylight for example, an original product that we launched globally in the summer of 2016, today we have data experts and an increasingly seasoned Marketing team. More than developers and artists, we are also the publisher of our game, “says Lebel.



“We have created a team dedicated to what we call Game Design Thinking, a unique approach that allows us to translate our learning into other areas. Today we have projects in Banking and Insurance, Aeronautics and Health. Other sectors already benefit from the expertise of game developers, “explained Lebel. “In the future, Montreal could benefit more and more from this exceptional ecosystem around the game to stand out on the international stage. It’s already running, we can accelerate the pace, “added the Vice-President of Business Solutions.



At the end of his speech, Dominique Lebel thanked thousands of employees working in the gaming industry and thanked Montreal for trusting dozens and dozens of small gaming studios that contribute to Quebec’s creativity and inventiveness. “The place of Montreal and Quebec in the global gaming industry is still to be taken, it is a story that continues to be written,” concluded Dominique Lebel.